Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
The Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (VAHCC) is a dynamic organization established in 2000. With a mission to forge economic bridges and enhance business opportunities, we proudly serve as a vibrant voice for both the Hispanic and business communities.
Through our statewide network, partnerships, and digital platforms, we provide abundant resources for passionate business owners. From relevant programs to exhilarating events, we equip entrepreneurs with the necessary tools for sustainable growth.
As Virginia’s Hispanic population thrives, we embrace change and support the unique needs of local businesses, fostering unparalleled economic growth throughout the state.
Services Provided
Business Planning
- Business Plan Consulting (Specialty)
- Business Succession Planning
- Demographic and Census Data
- Forming a Business (Specialty)
- Market Plan Development
Human Resources, Workforce and Talent
- Diversity Equity and Inclusion (Specialty)
- Leadership/Professional Development (Specialty)
- Recruiting (Specialty)
- Retention (Specialty)
- Workforce Training (Specialty)
Import and Export Assistance
- Networking/Exploring Exporting (Specialty)
- Trade Education and Training (Specialty)
- Tradeshow Support (Specialty)
Internship Programs and Student Services
- Entrepreneurship Education (Specialty)
- Internship Program (Specialty)
- Student Training (Specialty)
Management Issues
- Diversity Equity and Inclusion (Specialty)
- Leadership/Professional Development (Specialty)
- Recruiting Assistance (Specialty)
Marketing and Sales
- Advertising (Specialty)
- Award Recognition (Specialty)
- Demographics/Census Data (Specialty)
- Identification/Research of Foreign Markets (Specialty)
- Student Marketing Projects (Specialty)
- Website Development (Specialty)
- Formal Mentoring Programs (Specialty)
- Group Mentoring (Specialty)
- One-on-One Counseling (Specialty)
- Peer Mentoring (Specialty)
Networking and Associations
- Demographically Based (Specialty)
- Geographically Based (Specialty)
- International Trade (Specialty)
- Small Business/General (Specialty)
Nonprofit and Social Enterprise
- Technical Services (Specialty)
Public Policy and Government Relations
- Hispanic Business (Specialty)
Selling to the Government and Large Corporations
- Bid Matching and Preparation (Specialty)
- Obtaining Corporate Contracts (Specialty)
- Obtaining Government Contracts (Specialty)
- Selling to Foreign Governments and Businesses (Specialty)
- State Contract Certificationos (SWaM) (Specialty)
- Subcontracting Opportunities (Specialty)
Starting a Business
- Forming a Business (Specialty)
- Home-Based Business Training (Specialty)
- Registration, Licenses and Permits (Specialty)
- Startup Business Counseling (Specialty)
- Startup Classes (Specialty)
- Business Plan Training and Assistance (Specialty)
- Diversity Equity and Inclusion (Specialty)
- E-Commerce/Internet Marketing (Specialty)
- Home-Based Business Training (Specialty)
- International Trade Education and Training (Specialty)
- Online Courses and Videos (Specialty)
- Startup Classes (Specialty)
- Trade Education and Training (Specialty)
Michel Zajur
10700 Midlothian Turnpike
Suite 200
Richmond, VA 23235
(804) 306-4404
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