Virginia Workforce Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (VWIEC)
The Virginia Workforce Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (VWIEC) was established in October 2020 through the Department of Education Reimagine Workforce Preparation Grant. VWIEC is a Hampton University entity (a 501 (3) non-profit institute of higher education) that operates on the behalf of the Virginia Board of Workforce Development in partnership with Old Dominion University.
The new center will serve as a statewide nexus of support by synthesizing the resources of two- and four-year institutions of higher education, experts in the public and private business sectors, and workforce agencies. VWIEC will fulfill a critical niche in the small business development arena.
Services include mentorship, education, networking, pitch competitions and assistance with financing strategies. We will support the participants by removing barriers that restrict them including childcare, transportation, certification costs and business licensure fees.
Services Provided
Accelerators and Incubators
- Incubator (Specialty)
2 Eaton Street
Hampton, VA 23669
(757) 964-6992
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